
Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Corbin Hedt

Doctor of Physical Therapy, 5 Tool Sport

Rob Henry

Head Coach, Kentucky State University

Shawn Humphries

High Performance Mindset Coach, Elite Performance Systems

Dave Jauss

Pro Scout, New York Yankees

Ryan Johansen

President, Johansen Baseball Inc.

Dan Lazzaroni

Pitching Performance, The Wave Method

Blake Lewis

Head Coach, Lawson State CC

Matt Lisle

The Hitting Vault

Scott Malone

Head Coach, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi

Brandon Matthews

Head Coach, Tarboro River Bandits

Wayne Mazzoni

Head Pitching Coach, Sacred Heart University

John McCormack

Head Coach, Florida Atlantic University

Trent Mongero

Author & National Instructor, Winning Baseball - Dirt Brothers Baseball

Harold Mozingo

Owner, Mozingo Baseball

Kyle Nelson

Founder, Cornerstone Coaching Academy

Steve Nicollerat

Coach of Coaches, Coach Baseball Right

Jason Oates

Coach, Whistle & A Clipboard

John O'Neil

Director of Performance, Cressey Sports Performance

David Pauley

Pitching Instructor, Core 4 Baseball

Anthony Plá

Head Coach, Lincoln University, PA

Andy Powers

Founder, Texas Pitching Institute

Lou Proietti

Head Coach, Saint Peters University

Mike Ramazzotti

Assistant Coach, UC San Diego

Owen Reid

Founder, Owner, Coach, Reid Baseball

Esia Rivera

Sports Performance and Rehabilitation Consultant, FootDoctor Esia